Batres, C., Russell, R., & Workowski, M. (2023) Makeup applied to facial features increases perceived skin evenness. Vision Research 202: 108144
Batres, C., Jones, A.L., Barlett, C.P., Porcheron, A., Morizot, F., & Russell, R. (In press) Makeup works by modifying factors of facial beauty. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts
Kramer, S.S., & Russell, R. (2022) A novel human sex difference: Male sclera are redder and yellower than female sclera. Archives of Sexual Behavior 51(6): 2733-2740
Batres, C., Porcheron, A., Courreges, S., & Russell, R. (2021) Professional Versus Self-Applied Makeup: Do Makeup Artists Add Value? Perception 50(8): 709-719
Batres, C. & Russell, R. (2020) Examining the influence of cosmetics on jury decisions Cosmetics 17(3): 64
Russell, R., Batres, C., Jones, A.L., & Porcheron, A. (2019) A role for contrast gain control in skin appearance Journal of Vision 19(13): 11
Batres, C., Porcheron, A., Latreille, J., Roche, M., Morizot, F., & Russell, R. (2019) Cosmetics increase skin evenness: evidence from perceptual and physical measures. Skin Research and Technology 25: 672-676
Batres, C., Kramer, S.S., DeAngelis, C.G., & Russell, R. (2019) Examining the 'cosmetics placebo effect'. PLOS ONE 14(1): e0210238
Russell, R., Batres, C., Courreges, S., Kaminski, G., Soppelsa, F., Morizot, F., & Porcheron, A. (2019) Differential effects of makeup on perceived age. British Journal of Psychology 110(1): 87-100
Batres, C., Porcheron, A., Kaminski, G., Courreges, S., Morizot, F., & Russell, R. (2018) Evidence That the Hormonal Contraceptive Pill Is Associated With Cosmetic Habits. Frontiers in Psychology 9: 1459
Jones, A.L., Porcheron, A., & Russell, R. (2018) Makeup changes the apparent size of facial features. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts 12(3): 359-368
Jones, A.L., Batres, C., Porcheron, A., Sweda, J., & Russell, R. (2018) Positive facial affect looks healthy (postprint). Visual Cognition 26: 1-12
Batres, C., Russell, R., Campbell, L., Simpson, J., Milroy, A., & Cronk, L. (2018) Evidence that makeup is a false signal of sociosexuality. Personality and Individual Differences 122: 148-154
Russell, R., Kramer, S.S., & Jones, A.L. (2017) Facial contrast declines with age but remains sexually dimorphic throughout adulthood. Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology 3(4): 293-303
Porcheron, A., Mauger, E., Soppelsa, F., Liu, Y., Ge, L., Pascalis, O., Russell, R., & Morizot, F. (2017) Facial contrast is a cross-cultural cue for perceiving age.Frontiers in Psychology 8: 1208
Russell, R. (2017) The Illusion of Sex. In Shapiro, A.G. & Todorovic, D. (Eds.) The Oxford Compendium of Visual Illusions Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Mileva, V.R., Jones, A., Russell, R., & Little, A. (2016) Sex differences in the Perceived Dominance and Prestige of Women With and Without Cosmetics (preprint). Perception 45(10): 1166-1183
Russell, R., Porcheron, A., Sweda, J.R., Jones, A.L., Mauger, E., & Morizot, F. (2016) Facial contrast is a cue for perceiving health from the face (preprint). Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 42(9): 1354-1362
Jones, A.L., Porcheron, A., Sweda, J.R., Morizot, F., & Russell, R. (2016) Coloration in different areas of facial skin is a cue to health: The role of cheek redness and periorbital luminance in health perception (preprint). Body Image 17: 57-66
Germine, L., Russell, R., Bronstad, P.M., Blokland, G.A.M., Smoller, J.W., Kwok, H., Anthony, S.E., Nakayama, K., Rhodes, G., & Wilmer, J.B. (2015) Individual aesthetic preferences for faces are shaped mostly by environments, not genes. Current Biology 25(20): 2684-2689
Jones, A.L., Russell, R., & Ward, R. (2015) Cosmetics alter biologically based factors of beauty: Evidence from sex differences in facial contrast. Evolutionary Psychology 13(1): 210-229
Russell, R., Sweda, J.R., Porcheron, A., & Mauger, E. (2014) Sclera Color Changes With Age and is a Cue for Perceiving Age, Health, and Beauty (preprint). Psychology and Aging 29(3): 626-635
Porcheron, A., Mauger, E., & Russell, R. (2013) Aspects of facial contrast decrease with age and are cues for age perception.PLOS ONE 8(3): e57985.
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Russell, R. (2003) Sex, beauty, and the relative luminance of facial features. Perception, 32: 1093-1107.
Devlin, J. T., Russell, R. P., Davis, M. H., Price, C. J., Moss, H. E., Fadili, J., & Tyler, L. K. (2002) Is there an anatomical basis for category specificity? Semantic memory studies in PET and fMRI. Neuropsychologia 40(1): 54-75
Tyler, L. K., Russell, R. P., Fadili, J., & Moss, H. E. (2001) The neural representation of nouns and verbs: PET studies. Brain 124(8): 1619-34
Devlin, J. T., Russell, R. P., Davis, M. H., Price, C. J., Moss, H. E., Matthews, P. M., & Tyler, L. K. (2000) Susceptibility-induced loss of signal: Comparing PET and fMRI on a semantic task. Neuroimage 11(6): 589-600
Devlin, J. T., Davis, M. H., McLelland, S.A., & Russell, R. P. (2000) Efficiency, information theory, and neural representations. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23(4): 475