Dept. of Environmental Studies

Gettysburg College

Colorado Summer Field Course

Photo Gallery

Photos taken from the classes in summer 2004 and 2006.

Animas River

Mesa Verde Nat. Park

Weminuche Wilderness Areas

Touring Ute Mountain Tribal Park

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Helping to run the end of year elementary school fair as part of a service learning activity in , Towoac, Co (capital of the Ute Mountain Ute Reservation)

For More Information contact:

Prof.  Randy Wilson
Phone: x6034

The Animas River as it flows through the Weminuche Wilderness Area towards the town of Durango, CO.

Cliff Palace at Mesa Verde National Park

Text Box: ES 251 & 252 The Rocky Mountain West: 
Physical & Cultural Geography

Touring the Old Hundred Mine, Silverton, CO

Ouray, Colorado

The Steaming Bean, Durango, CO