January, 2014 Vytautas Magnus University
In January 2014, Vytautas Magnus University offered its first Course in Experimental Economics. The course was designed to provide an overview of laboratory methods in economics. It stressed the interaction of theory and empirical experimentation, seeking to relate questions in the theory of markets, games, and decisions to issues in experimental design and the analysis and interpretation of results. This course used a combination of hands-on learning in laboratory experiments as well as Socratic roundtable discussions of readings. It covered topics such as decision making, bargaining, public goods, market design, theories of fairness and learning, social issues like discrimination and gender differences, neuroeconomics. The students were also introudced to programming in z-Tree - a widely used software package for developing and carrying out economics experiments.
We look forward to hear from our course alumni in the future. Email us! Sponsors:
January 3-5, 2011 Vilnius University
In January 2011, Vilnius University hosted its first Workshop in Experimental Economics. The purpose was to provide an introduction into laboratory methods in economics to lecturers, scholars and doctoral students at Vilnius University. The workshop presented experimental techniques as an alternative approach to economics teaching and research. In each regular session the group participated in an experiment, followed by a presentation from one of the workshop faculty on results related to the experiment. Participants had an opportunity to interact with the faculty - Dr. Bart Wilson and Dr. Rimvydas Baltaduonis - throughout the workshop. Prof. Vernon L. Smith - 2002 Nobel Laureate in Economics - reflected on the Lithuanian workshops in experimental economics in IFREE News (Winter 2011 edition).
We look forward to hear from our workshop alumni in the future. Email us! Sponsors:
April 6-8, 2009 ISM University of Management and Economics
In April 2009, the ISM University of Management and Economics hosted its first International Workshop in Experimental Economics in Vilnius, Lithuania. The purpose was to provide an introduction to laboratory methods in economics for management and economics teachers, scholars and doctoral students located in Eastern and Central Europe. The workshop presented experimental techniques as an alternative approach to economics research and teaching. In each regular session the group participated in an experiment for monetary rewards, followed by a presentation from one of the workshop faculty on results that are related to the experiment. Participants had an opportunity to interact with the faculty - Prof. Bart Wilson and Dr. Rimvydas Baltaduonis - throughout the workshop. Here are few comments from the participant evaluation forms for the workshop: I'd like to thank you for very interesting and even "shocking" (eye-opening) seminar I had an opportunity to participate in. I'd like to introduce it [experimental economics] to our authorities. I was skeptical but it has changed in the time of workshop and lectures. It was great. I am thinking about application in my field. I like this approach.
The ISM invited some journalists to observe the workshop. Here are a few stories: "Valytoja kartais nuspeja geriau nei analitikai" (vz.lt) "Bliukstantys burbulai tampa pamoka" (Vilniaus diena) "ISM demonstruos ekonomikos eksperimentus" (Verslo banga) We look forward to hear from our workshop alumni in the future. Email us!