Gettysburg College, Gettysburg, PA 17325


Telephone: 717-337-6026

ASTRO-HOTLINE (To get Observatory Information and to leave comments and questions: 717-337-6031)


1) The image below of Comet Hyakutake 1996B2 was taken by Larry Marschall at the Gettysburg College Observatory, March 26, 1996, using a 50 mm lens and ASA 400 color print film tracking on a Celestron mount. It's a 120 second exposure. Polaris, the North Star, is just to the right of the comet's head. The tail sweeps up to the dipper stars at the top.

2) The image below of Comet Hyakutake 1996B2 was taken by Dick Cooper at the Gettysburg College Observatory, March 23, 1996, using a 50 mm lens and ASA 400 color print film. It's a 20 second exposure.