Ho: The data sets represent the same phenotypic ratio. They are homogeneous, and the phenotypic proportions are independent of the data sets.

Phenotype Student A Student B Total
Tall, Green 370 180 550
Tall, yellow 130 50 180
dwarf, Green 110 63 173
dwarf, yellow 30 27 57
Total 640 320 960

Phenotype Student A (Exp Values) Student B (Exp Values)
Tall, Green 640 X (550/960) = 366.67 320 X (550/960) = 183.33
Tall, yellow 640 X (180/960) = 120.00 320 X (180/960) = 60.00
dwarf, Green 640 X (173/960) = 115.33 320 X (173/960) = 57.67
dwarf, yellow 640 X (57/960) = 38.00 320 X (57/960) = 19.00

Calculated chi-squared value = 8.38

Refer to Bio 211 Genetics Lab Instructions (Experiment 2)