The Trajectory of Anthropological Fieldwork
Pick an ethnic group and area
Review the literature
Take language classes, if possible
Contact people who have also worked in the area, and begin to form scholarly networks
Write a research proposal (submit it to obtain funds)
Apply to host country government for an official research permit
Get IRB approval
Buy supplies
Obtain all necessary immunizations and medications
Actual Fieldwork:
Choose actual site
Establish a base of operations
Make courtesy visits to local government officials and notables
Engage in participant observation: field-notes and diary
Take census (??)
Make maps (??)
Conduct open-ended (non-directive) interviews
Employ additional methods:
Conduct formal surveys and questionnaires (??)
Record folklore, songs, poetry, and other oral texts (??)
Chart kinship (??)
Make a visual record of the community: photos and videotapes (??)
Collect life histories (??)
Perform time-allocation study (??)