Chapter 1 - History

  • Know generations and technology.

Chapter 2 - HTML

  • Basic tags
  • Build a link
  • Show an image

Chapter 3 - JavaScript Intro

  • document.writeln
  • variables/expressions
  • if
  • while
  • functions
  • Alert/Confirm/Prompt

Chapter 4 - Advanced JavaScript

  • Events
  • onClick
  • Forms
  • Input (buttons etc.)
  • Arrays

Chapter 5 - Excel

  • Define formulas
  • Ranges
  • Absolute addresses

Chapter 6 - Binary Machine

  • Binary representations
  • Conversions
  • Translation
  • Machine components

Chapter 7 - Digital Logic

  • Gates
  • Circuits
  • Truth tables
  • Boolean formula
  • Convert among truth tables, formulas and circuits.

Chapter 8 - Encryption

  • Ciphers
  • Substitution
  • Caesar
  • Vigenere
  • RSA