#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Tue Oct 25 09:16:18 2022 @author: cpresser """ """ Meteorite Landing Data:: https://data.nasa.gov/Space-Science/Meteorite-Landings/gh4g-9sfh The data contains lists, each of which represent a single meteorite strike on earth. Each record includes a Name: a string Identification Number: an int A classification code: a string the meteorite's mass: a float fell or found: a string The year it was found: an int THe latitaue of its location: a float The longitude of its location: a float """ fields = ["Name", "ID", "Class", "Mass", "Fall", "Year", "Latitude", "Longitude"] data = [ ["Adrian", 388, "H4", 22600, "Found", 1936, 35.15, -102.71667], ["Allan Hills 85122", 987, "H5", 61.2, "Found", 1985, -76.71667, 159.66667], ["Allan Hills 88004", 1048, "LL4", 315.7, "Found", 1988, -76.72991, 158.75414], ["Allan Hills 88066", 1110, "L/LL3", 13.9, "Found", 1988, -76.68219, 159.31165], ["Allan Hills A77180", 1492, "L6", 190.8, "Found", 1977, -76.71667, 159.66667], ["Allan Hills A78082", 1697, "LL6", 24, "Found", 1978, -76.71667, 159.66667], ["Allan Hills A78223", 1836, "H4", 6.5, "Found", 1978, -76.71667, 159.66667], ["Allan Hills A81024", 1984, "H3.6", 797.7, "Found", 1981, -76.67844, 159.26614], ["Anson", 2308, "L6", 3900, "Found", 1972, 39.33333, -97.56167], ["Asuka 87201", 2558, "L6", 138.74, "Found", 1987, -72, 26.0], ["Asuka 87258", 2615, "L6", 120.56, "Found", 1987, -72, 26.0], ["Asuka 87342", 2699, "H4", 417.49, "Found", 1987, -72, 26.0], ["Asuka 880724", 3433, "H3.8", 78.24, "Found", 1988, -72, 26.0], ["Asuka 880811", 3520, "H5", 36.75, "Found", 1988, -72, 26.0], ["Asuka 881051", 3760, "H4", 54.8, "Found", 1988, -72, 26.0], ["Asuka 881697", 4406, "H4", 99.82, "Found", 1988, -72, 26.0], ["Asuka 881746", 4455, "H6", 115.54, "Found", 1988, -72, 26.0], ["Barratta", 4951, "L4", 200000, "Found", 1845, -35.3, 144.56667], ["Bencubbin", 5014, "CBa", 118000, "Found", 1930, -30.75, 117.78333], ["Birni N'konni", 5056, "H4", 560, "Fell", 1923, 13.76667, 5.3], ["Dar al Gani 813", 6360, "H5", 37.8, "Found", 2000, 26.994, 16.45217], ["Dhofar 1418", 35506, "L~6", 78.44, "Found", 2001, 19.13882, 54.87985], ["Dhofar 1424", 35512, "H~6", 53.39, "Found", 2001, 19.19335, 54.66395], ["Dhofar 154", 6939, "H5", 1045, "Found", 2000, 19.1175, 54.82683], ["Dhofar 1592", 52598, "H5", 274, "Found", 2004, 18.918, 54.35383], ["Dhofar 1613", 52780, "L5", 8.6, "Found", 2009, 18.69542, 54.47425], ["Dhofar 1690", 56196, "H5", 700.5, "Found", 2011, 18.20358, 54.29502], ["Dhofar 321", 7104, "H4", 594, "Found", 2001, 18.34833, 54.28667], ["Dhofar 946", 30526, "LL5", 2412, "Found", 2002, 19.165, 54.40333], ["Dhofar 951", 30531, "H6", 274, "Found", 2002, 18.63167, 54.23167], ["Duel Hill (1873)", 7739, "Iron IAB-MG", 11300, "Found", 1873, 35.85, -82.7], ["Edmonton (Kentucky)", 7771, "Iron IAB-sLM", 10200, "Found", 1942, 37.03333, -85.63333], ["El Médano 092", 56604, "H6", 289, "Found", 2011, -24.85, -70.53333], ["Elephant Moraine 83229", 7871, "Eucrite-pmict", 312.9, "Found", 1983, -76.28361, 157.23639], ["Elephant Moraine 83256", 7896, "H5", 5, "Found", 1983, -76.29722, 157.33278], ["Elephant Moraine 83349", 7985, "H5", 27.5, "Found", 1983, -76.29806, 157.275], ["Elephant Moraine 87838", 8388, "H5", 13.3, "Found", 1987, -76.27827, 157.15607], ["Elephant Moraine 90128", 8537, "L6", 50.1, "Found", 1990, -76.27109, 156.44202], ["Elephant Moraine 90211", 8620, "L6", 23.1, "Found", 1990, -76.27784, 156.48975], ["Elephant Moraine 90913", 9322, "L6", 23.8, "Found", 1990, -76.28384, 156.47414], ["Elephant Moraine 92047", 9449, "H5", 134.9, "Found", 1992, -76.04682, 155.97254], ["Elephant Moraine 92165", 9566, "CR2", 34.7, "Found", 1992, -76.04861, 156.02614], ["Elephant Moraine 96228", 9819, "H6", 1.2, "Found", 1996, -76.18333, 157.16667], ["Frontier Mountain 01004", 10188, "H5", 7.4, "Found", 2001, -72.95167, 160.50889], ["Frontier Mountain 01135", 10317, "H5", 1.9, "Found", 2001, -72.9925, 160.40167], ["Frontier Mountain 90037", 10435, "H5", 13.1, "Found", 1990, -72.9544, 160.49912], ["Frontier Mountain 90209", 10599, "H5", 1.67, "Found", 1990, -72.95488, 160.47328], ["Frontier Mountain 93049", 10680, "H3.6", 10.6, "Found", 1993, -72.98972, 160.40778], ["Frontier Mountain 99004", 10798, "H4", 0.7, "Found", 1999, -72.99611, 160.42556], ["Graves Nunataks 95207", 10967, "H5", 914.2, "Found", 1995, -86.71667, -141.5], ["Grosvenor Mountains 95643", 11369, "L6", 12.2, "Found", 1995, -85.66667, 175.0], ["Grove Mountains 020236", 30691, "H5", 72.9, "Found", 2003, -72.98306, 75.22917], ["Grove Mountains 021478", 46541, "L6", 104.5, "Found", 2003, -72.935, 75.325], ["Grove Mountains 021742", 49867, "H4 ", 1.33, "Found", 2003, -72.78806, 75.305], ["Grove Mountains 023270", 50157, "L6", 0.47, "Found", 2003, -72.77361, 75.32028], ["Grove Mountains 050411", 50251, "H4", 4.11, "Found", 2006, -72.98361, 75.28583], ["Grove Mountains 051733", 46450, "L5", 2.18, "Found", 2006, -72.77833, 75.31833], ["Grove Mountains 054498", 50636, "H5 ", 1.53, "Found", 2006, -72.91611, 75.10028], ["Hammadah al Hamra 224", 11707, "L6", 820, "Found", 1997, 29.31867, 12.01017], ["Lewis Cliff 86305", 13237, "H5", 40.4, "Found", 1986, -84.27379, 161.68915], ["Lewis Cliff 87109", 13580, "Iron ungrouped", 0.9, "Found", 1987, -84.25416, 161.40847], ["Lewis Cliff 87144", 13611, "H5", 22.3, "Found", 1987, -84.27242, 161.72012], ["Lewis Cliff 87223", 13687, "E3-an", 110.3, "Found", 1987, -84.3704, 161.3181], ["Lewis Cliff 88145", 13898, "H5", 3.4, "Found", 1988, -84.24567, 161.42829], ["Lewis Cliff 88737", 14474, "L6", 10.2, "Found", 1988, -84.28506, 161.37982], ["Lewis Cliff 88766", 14503, "L6", 8.4, "Found", 1988, -84.23403, 161.47591], ["Lewis Cliff 97226", 14639, "H5", 5.7, "Found", 1997, -84.26667, 161.5], ["Meteorite Hills 001010", 15506, "LL6", 1.1, "Found", 2000, -79.68333, 159.75], ["Meteorite Hills 00505", 15740, "LL5", 174.57, "Found", 2000, -79.68333, 155.75], ["Meteorite Hills 00878", 16112, "H6", 13.8, "Found", 2000, -79.68333, 159.75], ["Mission", 16704, "L", 12000, "Found", 1949, 43.31667, -100.76667], ["Pecora Escarpment 82517", 18280, "H5", 41.3, "Found", 1982, -85.65018, -68.62194], ["Pecora Escarpment 91330", 18621, "L5", 13.2, "Found", 1991, -85.67923, -68.74265], ["Pecora Escarpment 91387", 18678, "H6", 0.4, "Found", 1991, -85.68994, -69.09884], ["Pokhra", 18858, "H5", 350, "Fell", 1866, 26.71667, 82.66667], ["Portales (c)", 18873, "H4", 6000, "Found", 1967, 34.1, -103.41667], ["Queen Alexandra Range 93339", 19427, "H6", 4.1, "Found", 1993, -84.59994, 162.18785], ["Queen Alexandra Range 93387", 19475, "H5", 6, "Found", 1993, -84, 168.0], ["Queen Alexandra Range 93521", 19609, "L5", 1.8, "Found", 1993, -84, 168.0], ["Queen Alexandra Range 94205", 19847, "L6", 2484.3, "Found", 1994, -84, 168.0], ["Queen Alexandra Range 94381", 20014, "L5", 27.3, "Found", 1994, -84, 168.0], ["Queen Alexandra Range 97050", 20457, "L6", 191.7, "Found", 1997, -84, 168.0], ["Queen Alexandra Range 97312", 20770, "LL5", 4.2, "Found", 1997, -84, 168.0], ["Queen Alexandra Range 97661", 21117, "H6", 16.6, "Found", 1997, -84, 168.0], ["Queen Alexandra Range 97700", 21156, "LL5", 11.6, "Found", 1997, -84, 168.0], ["Queen Alexandra Range 97924", 21378, "H6", 2.4, "Found", 1997, -84, 168.0], ["Queen Alexandra Range 97979", 21433, "LL5", 20.5, "Found", 1997, -84, 168.0], ["Queen Alexandra Range 99199", 21650, "LL5", 30.2, "Found", 1999, -84, 168.0], ["Queen Alexandra Range 99445", 21891, "L6", 86.1, "Found", 1999, -84, 168.0], ["Queen Alexandra Range 99537", 21983, "LL5", 1.2, "Found", 1999, -84, 168.0], ["Queen Alexandra Range 99892", 22336, "LL5", 11.4, "Found", 1999, -84, 168.0], ["Ramlat as Sahmah 281", 51868, "H3-6", 203.7, "Found", 2009, 20.57092, 56.38847], ["Sayh al Uhaymir 451", 45942, "H4", 167.41, "Found", 2006, 20.79325, 57.35065], ["Sena", 23495, "H4", 4000, "Fell", 1773, 41.71667, -0.05], ["Shişr 121", 51675, "H4", 49, "Found", 2007, 18.25862, 53.99213], ["Strathmore", 23729, "L6", 13400, "Fell", 1917, 56.58333, -3.25], ["Surprise Springs", 23761, "Iron IAB-sLL", 1500, "Found", 1899, 34.16667, -115.91667], ["Tambakwatu", 23795, "L6", 10500, "Fell", 1975, -7.75, 112.76667], ["Tulia (a)", 24066, "H3-4", 86000, "Found", 1917, 34.61667, -101.95] ]