Big Brother help

Big Brother - the bbdef configuration file

The behavior of BB is controlled by the options available in the bbdef file.

The changes will only take effect after Big Brother has been cycled (stopped/started).

TCP port used by Big Brother. Default is obviously 1984.

Are the status logs reported by the clients in a Fully Qualified Domain Name format ? If FQDN is set to TRUE, then hosts will be displayed as otherwise they will be displayed as www. If you set FQDN=FALSE, make sure that no two clients share the same host name i.e. www. If FQDN=TRUE then make sure your hostnames in the bb-hosts file are also in an FQDN format.

This is the interval to wait before recreating the main BB HTML pages: bb.html / bb2.html. This interval is in seconds.

The directory where to save temporary files

Which skin (theme) to use with this Big Brother installation. You can change the look of BB by creating your own skin. Instrcutions are found here to create your own look.

The is the htpp:// portion of your Big Brother installation URL.

This is the directory path of the URL of your BB installation. It is used in conjunction with the BBWEBHOST variable to create the complete URL of your BB installation.

URL location of the cig-bin directory used by BB. This value can be changed to a global cgi-bin directory. If you do change it, please copy the BB cgi-bin programs to that directory.

Status logs can be converted immediately into an HTML page if BBLOGSTATUS=STATIC. If it is set to DYNAMIC then the status logs will be rendered into HTML when you click on a colored dot. This is useful when you have a lot of hosts and want to minimize the resources used by the BBNTD program.

This option defines the default color(s) that generate a notification.

WEBHISTORY determines if the historical views of a status log is to be as an HTML page or a simple text page. (Feature currently unavailable)

IF this value is set to TRUE then each color change for a status log will be saved such that it will be possible to view its previous log contents.(Viewing of the previous logs is currently unavailable)

This is the delay, in minutes, before a status log is declared outdated. If a status log hasn't been updated after PURPLEDELAY minutes, the status log will change to a purple dot. This in turn may generate a notification depending on the value of PAGELEVELS.
Maximum number of events to display in the most recent events list of bb2.html

Consider the events in the last BB2EVENTMINS for the most recent events list of bb2.html.

The valid network services to be tested must be listed here. They must be the exact spelling as found in the bb-hosts.cfg file.
This is the interval that the BBNET hosts wait for between each iterations of the network tests.
This is the number of concurrent tests that the BBNET host can execute. You can increase the value until you notice a degradation in system and BB resources. A thread is based on a bb-hosts.cfg host line.
Enter the email address you want to be displayed when a recipient receives a mail notification. The name of the recipient is always set to the release number
Define the valid TCP tests supported by BB. Any new network TCP test to be handled by BB must be present here.
Indicates the maximum number of packets sent during the connectivity test. The connectivity test returns upon the first successful test.
Defines how many unsuccessful connection tests are required to set the condition to red.
Defines how many unsuccessful connection tests are required to set the condition to yellow.

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