Desperate Remedies

Desperate Remedies, Hardy's first published nove, had a somewhat desperate beginning after he finished the book in March 1870. The novel was not serialized, but was published anonymously after Hardy made revisions requested by his publisher Tinsley Brothers. The first edition was 500 copies of three volumes. Despite Tinsley's assertion that the novel was "'clever'" (Purdy 5), reviews published in April 1871 were scathing. By June of that year, the novel was selling at cut rates. Hardy, discouraged by the reviews, initially recouped only about 60 of the 75 pounds he contributed to the expense of Desperate Remedies' publication.

Some sites associated with Desperate Remedies


Kingston-Maurward (interior)

Weymouth ("Budmouth") Harbour

Lulworth Cove c. 1890

Photographic Citations